We all know one of the biggest strength of sport: it can bring people together from all around the world, facing one goal together – to help their team with their support. Engaging in fan activities creates a strong bond between these people and this environment encourages them to participate in events and actions that help them showing their connection to the team, the sport, the community.
Needless to say, it is important for the sports event livestream organizers to make the best of the attention fans give to the streaming platform during these sports events. This can mean multiple things:
These real-time sports fan engagement can bring revenue to the organizers and other potential buyers too.
In the 21. century, nothing is more important than getting information as soon as possible. This stands during the time we work and also while we are relaxing. We start the day by opening our phones and reading the news, during the day we see every email and message popping up on the screen – so we can answer them immediately, and in the evening we sometimes find it impossible to stop scrolling and fall asleep. The point is, we want to know everything right away. FOMO, the fear of missing out is very hard to resist.
For a sports fan, watching a sports livestream is about all of the above and so much more. Besides wanting to know every detail that is happening during the event, the feeling of community, cheering together brings a rush of joy. And if possible, sports fans want to increase this feeling with signs that show they belong to this community. This includes chanting, singing, wearing the team’s colors and showing up either offline or online.
This way, owning merchandise is the strongest visual sign of belonging to a fan group. And the more, the better: a shirt, a scarf, a hat, facepaint in the exact shade of the team… The possibilities are almost endless.
Just like the opportunities for sports event organizers to offer their products for them.
During a livestream, organizers can direct the viewers to their webshop by pop-ups showing the products with links to their website. An extra feature can be a promotion code, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a special item by tiping in the code shown on the screen.
How can they add this to the livestream? Our answer is Bannerse: an AI-based interactive video ad format that empowers advertisers to monetize consumer engagement through real-time interactivity, introducing a cutting-edge ad format tailored to enhance the overall consumer journey.
If you would like to know more, don’t hesitate to book a demo!