Where can be livestream shopping events viewed?
Primarily the streams can be viewed on those websites, where they are embedded. In addtion, it can be re-streamed on Facebook and YouTube channel as well.
Primarily the streams can be viewed on those websites, where they are embedded. In addtion, it can be re-streamed on Facebook and YouTube channel as well.
The broadcasts can be streamed in real time, parallely on Facebook, Instagrram, YouTube and Twitch.
If you have any problem while using Smuc, please let us know by email: info@smuc.io and we will contact you.
From technical point of view, all you need is a camera, the list of products to be embedded, someone who performs, and Smuc. However we recommed you to prepare before the stream, so you can present to you customers in the best way.
Smuc is compatible and functional with any website. You just need to copy and paste the embed code and the stream will appear on the website. Soon it will be even easier since Smuc could be connected to Shoprenter, Shopify, etc. with a plugin.
Smuc provides a comprehensive solution for webshops to get closer to their customers and provide them the most relevant information.
Among the livestream methods, Smuc is the easiest to use, since there is no need for any technical knowledge to create and embed streams.